HOW DO I LOVEYOU //Poem by Anujeet Iqbal

(Musings of a woman)

I love you as the sun brightens the forgotten lands

I love you as the ocean holds the grains of sands

I love you as eternity cherishes the endless blends

I love you as the rain kisses the arid earth’s lips

I love you like autumn paints trees with golden dips

I love you as the soul seeks comfort in cosmic trips

I love you like the constellations sway in the sky

Like the symphony of undertone that serenely comply

I love you like the enigmas in the universe we defy

I love you beyond the enclosures of space and time

I love you as the quest of love that seeks sublime

I love you as the recherché verse, a treasured paradigm

I Don’t love you as if you were ordinary or mundane

But as someone exceptional, a heavenly arcane

I love you in ways even I could not explain

©Anujeet Iqbal_

Anujeet Iqbal from India is 39 years of age. He is a writer who has authored four books with more than 70 poems been published in the various newspapers of India, Italy, Germany and Canada. Anujeet writes in English, Hindi and Punjabi and has won various awards in writing and painting, including "Antonio Machado National Universal Award" and "Ruben Dario Award", from Columbia.