MOSAIC (Poetry By Akeredolu Eniola Zion )



There is a boy next door, living in oblivion to God door.
During The day He Takes his wing 
to soar like a bird, but the gravity of grief pulls him 

back to the plummet. he tries to crawl but like the snail,
his shells are heavy, so he recedes. every night, 
he gaslights his spirit and questions 
his mother's womb, 
thinking of dreams unhinged from his eyes. 
the cross on his shoulder needs a 
cavalry. and in this poem,
i mirage him and many like him broken into fragments, 
their hopes crumbled and their dreams shattered like beads 

without strings. but God lives next door 
waiting for them to be his artistic work, 
picking every piece for his mosaic 
and exhibiting them in the gallery for the world's sight.

he seeks to join them like beads into a necklace. 
oh! boy, free grief and fly free, take this miracle berry to douse your heart. words too are broken 
to form this poem. check the metaphor.

About The Author 

Akeredolu Eniola Zion is a voiceover artist and writer base in Nigeria Lagos. She loves using her pen and voice to create awareness. When she is not writing, she is volunteering.